
Due To The Surge In Demand For Sex Dolls During The Blockade

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Sex doll company sells its products as interesting stuff

Regrettably, due to the surge in demand during the blockade, they did not invest their 401K pension funds in sex doll companies. When multiple countries in the world issued self-isolation guidelines, sex doll companies sold their products as an interesting thing, And this is what they do when they are at home alone. The natural antibacterial Silicone sex doll company tries to profit from the coronavirus. The sex doll company has an important public service message: self-isolation can be both fun and safe.

The manufacturer of the sex robot assured potential buyers in an Instagram post that their dolls did not contain COVID-19. "Self isolation is not necessarily the worst! All male sex doll are made of platinum-grade silicone, are naturally antibacterial and non-porous! Want one?" The company's title shows as. The online review of sex doll publications also provides a blog post that attempts to dispel myths about sex dolls and coronaviruses. Sex Doll News Roundup: Coronavirus Edition.

There is another man who wants to marry TPE sex doll, but only after she finishes her job. "Sex Doll News Roundup" will no longer be common. Just sometimes you will fall into a weird rabbit hole like I did today. Coronavirus The outbreak of has affected more than one million people and caused a huge economic slowdown. Many countries have taken measures to help small and medium-sized enterprises through the crisis, but a business woman has decided to put this matter into her own hands.

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A female entrepreneur in Hong Kong transformed her hotel into an anime sex doll brothel in order to survive the recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Although there are a small number of cases of COVID-19-890 in Hong Kong, the streets that are usually full of tourists are now empty because of the epidemic that has forced countries to suspend travel and restrict personnel to their homes. Just because there were no tourists this month, nearly 200 hotels are expected to be closed.

"Self isolation is not necessarily the worst! All sex doll are made of platinum-grade silicone and are naturally antibacterial and non-porous!" Yes: antibacterial. It is unclear whether this statement has been independently verified. In related news, a British company blamed the coronavirus for the lack of sex dolls in the country. Factory workers who made dolls in China took off during the Lunar New Year, but were quarantined after the virus infection and never resumed work.

Coronavirus has triggered a surge in demand for Love Doll among self-isolators. Because there are a large number of goods in the world that need to be self-isolated, sales of sex dolls have surged after the outbreak of coronavirus. Last November, experienced accommodation businesswoman Snow When Li (not her real name) took over the 15-room house in a building in Jordan, she planned to transform it into a short-term "love hotel".

Shirley hopes to seize the couple's need for private rooms, so that her business can be protected from the decline of the tourism industry caused by the social unrest that plagued the city. However, according to an industry source, during the Corona Virus epidemic, the number of visitors to Hong Kong has decreased significantly. This month alone, 200 hotels are expected to close. She is relying on sex dolls to maintain her business. Sex dolls implanted with human hair will make people "sure that it is a real person" The new series of flat chested love doll are equipped with implanted human hairs, making them look so realistic that some customers report that they are still alive .

Marjorie - 172CM TPE Sex Doll

Sex dolls with human hair implanted are considered so real that customers think they are human. The fresh model of the company supplying dolls made people realize that they were not alive in "a few seconds". Sex dolls are now coming with human hair. The products of a British sex doll company have changed. As a result, some customers have been fooled into thinking that the silicone doll is a real person.

What I want to say is that the silicone head looks very realistic and crazy, "the co-founder told the British" Daily Star "." I personally think they are already there, but this is just a personal opinion. "The website said about its products:" Since 1996, we have been using Hollywood's special effects technology to produce the most realistic Japanese sex doll in the world. It operates as usual, everyone is looking for some kind of indoor entertainment, maybe someone can feel at ease and watch the new season in the Western world! "In order to avoid legal trouble, we will not provide pornographic videos. Customers cannot buy dolls.

Shirley understood the potential legal issues and said that they had consulted a lawyer and they told them that their business model would not violate the law. The owner of the first sex doll brothel in Hong Kong opened in 2018, and he was arrested for providing pornographic movies and displaying sex dolls without permission. Their dolls are disease-free and free from external threats. There were initial concerns about transportation, but so far we have not encountered any delays.


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